Oshkosh 2007-Camping

7/20/07 - 7/28/07
Camping at Oshkosh is a subject all its own.  Below are some examples of how people camped at Oshkosh, from the large and in charge to the humble to the downright...interesting.

I love the Corvette next to the little tent.  Oh, and this is "Chuck's Hill", the hill by which Chuck's family always camp.  The blue sky? We saw a LOT of that.



This is a row of South Africans in tents, and if you look at the left edge of the photo, you will also see a tee-pee.



I hear banjos...



This was our humble abode during the camp-out.


You have smaller pop-ups that work just fine too.


Or just tents that provide minimal coverage.



Nice sized tent...


This was a home made wooden trailer with a pop up on top of it.  Rather inventive!



The silver bullet...


This is a better view of the South African tents.  They were deep in there, a lot of them.


This little number was my personal favorite.  It's hot pink, and they were hanging up bright colored lantern lights, had purple carpeting and hot pink chairs to sit on.  Now that's traveling in style!


Aww, look at the itty bitty thing!


Some folks slept out of the back of pickup trucks (nothing to see in a photo but the truck, so I didn't take any) and some folks got lucky enough to have a pop-up on theirs.

The trailer was for mom and dad, the pup tents for the two little kids.  PERFECT!  lol


This is Nathan's bus...hey, he has a washer and dryer in there!


(Fun Flying Photos Updated 5/16/11)