Oshkosh 2012

Chuck hasn't missed an Oshkosh in a few decades. This year he & Judy were moving into a new home, so they stayed behind.
In his place, Flat Chuck conquered Oshkosh.  Welcome to the Adventures of Flat Chuck!

Welcome to Oshkosh, Flat Chuck!


Chuck enjoyed spending some time with us around the camp fire.


It's highly unusual for him, but he decided the situation warranted a cigar.


He insisted on a root beer float instead of Bud Light, but he didn't have much say in it, so...


The Seaplane base is always a fun place to go...



Afterwards we had to go to Ardy & Ed's for a milk shake, and I'm pretty sure Chuck didn't complain.


All that rich food did necessitate a trip to the nearest Whip-Bam, but at least there was decent reading material.


Time to smell the flowers on the hill after that one!



Dinner!  Steaks tonight--thanks for the help, Chuck.  Sorry for that scorch mark, there...



After a long day of air shows, with another night air show to come, Flat Chuck was *really* hungry.  Can't blame the guy--he's been busy!



It's also Chuck's birthday.  So he got a birthday sundae, especially for him, and we all shared it in his honor.  Happy Birthday Chuck, from all of your Oshkosh 2012 Gang!  We missed having the non-flat version of you around!  Next year, no moving during Oshkosh!


(Fun Flying Photos Updated 7/30/12)