Cherry/Stants Vacation

Franklin, Tennessee, August 14-20, 2006
(These photos are huge if you click on them, be warned!)

The kids outside the "Cool Cafe"


The family inside the Cool Cafe


Everybody at the Softball field


Laura and cousins stretching out to do a "run"


And there's the run.  :)


Steve & Richard



Steve on the trail


Everyone on the trail.


Steve squishes the kids


All of us at the lake


More trail photos



Ann & Alonna


Steve telling Kaylee that "No we aren't there yet, but you can do it!"


A lovely butterfly on the trail.


Looking at the lake


Steve, Ann & Richard


Ah, stopping for lunch at the park!


Richard & Ann at the park


Lon & Morgan "face off"


Cathy and Tanner




Uncle Lon gives Kaylee & crew a ride



Lon & Cathy


Richard & Ann


Richard & Ann



Kind of a teeter-totter.  :)


Everybody at Joe's Cafe or something close to that.


Steve, Richard & Tanner playing basketball


Tanner takes a shot

Everybody at the zoo taking a photo of pretty birds




(Fun Flying Photos Updated 5/16/11)