Lost Nation Gathering of Eagles

Willoughby, OH July 9-10, 2011

Chilling under the Mustang waiting for Chuck.



Watching the T-6 from under the Mustang



Nathan's taxiing out to fly in the show, with his own escort.


Taxiing past the T-6 with a group of CAP cadets keeping a moving rope line around the plane for public safety.


Here you can see the 50' human rope line.


The Mustang waiting at the runway to back taxi.


Behind us was a reenactment camp. Folks dressed up as WWII era soldies, ladies, etc.


Nathan goes by on his racetrack


Okay. This guy looked like he was going to the bathroom in front of the T-6. I couldn't help it, though the photo doesn't do it justice.


This is the C-123, known as the "Thunder Pig", that I flew with for a photo shoot Sunday evening.


Checkertail Clan


Resting under the wing


More under the wing-ness.  :)


This is me, up and at the airport by 6:20 a.m.  Yes, you heard me.


The T-6 at sunrise, on our way to a photo flight.


Santa Claus came to Lost Nation. I haven't figured out why yet, but I do know that he had to be massively hot in that suit.


Pickle Bills, an interesting seafood place on the water.


Relaxing on the top deck.


The sun over Lake Erie on our way home in the T-6


You can sort of see Cleveland's skyline over there in the haze.


-3 Gs?  I'm pretty sure I didn't do that one...



(Fun Flying Photos Updated 8/28/11)